Fedora 8 Review, GNOME+KDE
Fedora 8 was easy to install, it also seemed quick. It took a while for me though, I made the mistake of putting Other(Windows) as default, and my USB keyboard doesn't like Grub, so I couldn't go to the menu to select Fedora, and it would boot Windows. So then I installed again, with Fedora as the default. (I will have to get this worked out to install OpenSUSE 10.3.) Once I was into Fedora, it has a nice selection for desktop pictures, I was greeted by a nice GNOME and Fedora theme mix. I fired up Firefox, and went to my email, site, which at I was asked to install Flash, so I tried with Firefox and it didn't work so I travelled to the Adobe site, downloaded a RPM version of Flash and installed it in a couple of clicks. I was also notified on updates, 171!!! I had 91 updates in Windows, and It surprised me that there are more updates for my Fedora install than my Windows. I then installed MPlayer, and Wine, which I removed (Wine). I then tried to open a music file in Rhythmbox, I found it has radio, so here I am listening to a radio station playing some good Classic Rock, and typing. Fedora is quite cool, but probably not as featured as much as I would like it to be.
Installing was quick, It must have finished within 30 minutes with the media test, the single DVD format doesn't require any switching of discs, and once installing it doesn't require any response. 171 updates, took forever! I started at 9:25 and finished at 11:00. Installing programs is easy because of RPM packages and the Add/Remove Programs Program, but I had to find another repository to get some of the programs I wanted. Fedora repositories seem somewhat limiting, to install MPlayer I downloaded it from the Livna repositories. ( Download the Fedora YUM RPM package, install, and it will be in Add/Remove programs. It should automatically be enabled) With Livna there are quite a few more programs.
Dual booting was easy, I was prompted to install GRUB with Fedora as default, and that is how I run Fedora right now. I like Fedora, it has a nice GUI, and GNOME is the default desktop environment. I installed KDE programs, Stellarium, and Audacity. Audacity in Linux looks a little different than the Windows version.
Fedora with KDE
because I was Fedora and KDE together don't look to bad, and to easily boot with KDE, you have to select KDE for session on the login screen. I got a little lost in KDEun-installed GNOME, and it took many programs with it. Firefox was replaced with Konqueror, and the ADD/REMOVE program went missing. I reinstalled Firefox by gaining root privileges, and inputting, yum install Firefox into Konsole, as the GNOME terminal had also went missing, GNOME games and open office writer also disappeared. With KDE I had 12 new updates to install, strange. I cant view the updates or anything, there is just that box icon in my start bar, just sitting there. KPowerSave seems to be an OK feature, it under clocks your CPU when idling, and it is supposed to save power. KDE seems a little less easy to use, with some programs being installed by the Console(Terminal/ Command prompt).Flash player stayed installed, even though Firefoxun-installed and reinstalled. Both GNOME Fedora and KDE Fedora use the RPM packaging system, they are self executable, so they are similar to deb packages and others. I had a basic understanding of KDE, but GNOME was more user friendly with the add/remove programs feature.
Fedora 8(Fedora Project)
Livna RPM Repository
For Screen Shot Takers-
Both KDE and GNOME have a feature in Fedora allowing for you to take a screen shot! Just press Print Screen on your keyboard, save the shot, and you have taken it!
I give Fedora with GNOME a 4/5 for ease to use, fast install time, but updating took forever, and there was a small lack of software wanted in the repositories but that was easily fixed by adding a new one.
With KDE I give it a 2/5, it gets confusing and you cant seem to install more programs without using the Console and YUM.
Here I am looking at the Ubuntu home page, It's our next review. I already experienced good things with the live CD, hopefully even better with the install.
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